Rules and Bylaws

Rules of Play

Every year it is the objective of the board to create a fair and level playing field for every member at every tournament. As a result, we will continue to monitor scores and penalize golfers who breach the following.


2024 Club Handicap Rules (Rules Updated for 2025 Season)

Rule 1: A maximum of 36 strokes will be allowed in all our tournaments and will apply to skins betting as well.

Rule 2: Any player recording 3 net scores of net 70 or below will have their handicap adjusted by -2 strokes after the third score.

Rule 3: Any player recording two (2) rounds of net 68 or below will have their handicap adjusted by -2 after the second score.

Rule 4: Any player recording a single (1) round of net 66 or below will have their handicap adjusted by -2 after the first score.

Rule 5: Any player recording a net score of 73 (was 71) or below in a 2023 tournament will have their current & prior years ERMC tournament scores reviewed. If there are 2 or more net 73 or below scores recorded in the prior 8 tournaments, then rule 6 may apply. For new members, prior year scores will be reviewed when appropriate.

Rule 6:  Rule 6 will be applied to all Eagle Ridge Men's Club members (ERMC) for the 2024 season. Rule 6 calculates an 'ERMC Index' for each player prior to each event by averaging the 2 lowest scoring differentials of the player's last 5 ERMC events (dating back to the previous season if necessary). For the event, the lower of the ERMC index and player's GHIN index will be used for the event. If a player only has 1 ERMC event score, that differential will be used as their ERMC index. If a player has 2-3 ERMC event scores, the average of the 2 lowest will be used as their ERMC index.

Rule 7: For new ERMC players or returning ERMC players who do not have an ERMC event score from 2023, the player’s USGA Low H.I. for the previous 12 months will be used for their first event. Once a player has 1 ERMC event score is tallied, Rule 7 will no longer be used, and Rule 6 will be applied



The Eagle Ridge Mens Club was founded in 2004 and is a registered NCGA Associate Club. Club membership, tournaments, ERMC Code of Conduct Dec-2021-pdf.pdfhandicap administration, club rules, code of conduct and by laws are managed by a board of directors.

ERMC Code of Conduct-BOD adopted December 13, 2021



ERMC By-Laws   USGA Rules OF Golf